Physicians on social media: what are the most important best practices?

Fellow doctors, I know you’re worried about getting ‘out there’ on social media. Social media feels vulnerable for physicians and other healthcare leaders. It might indeed be a risky space for doctors if they aren’t mindful of social media best practices. (For example. if you think your physicians-only or nurses-only social media ‘secret group’ is a protected space, think again!) But there are so many rewards, which I believe far outweigh any risks. These rewards are for you, for patients, and for the healthcare community at large. So in order to stay active online with confidence, you may need a little guidance.

This video will address how to stay out of trouble on social media so you can engage fully as a healthcare leader on social media. Benefit from and add to the community, connection, and conversations without any fear.


These tips apply in public forums as well as private groups. No matter the forum, there are a few things to know – these are the keys for doctors to stay out of trouble.

#1 Never do or say anything that is not professional. Which means you should never post anything that you wouldn’t want your boss to see, your family to see, or your patients to see.

#2 Make sure you know your institution’s social media policies. Some places have very liberal policies and love it when people are active on social media. Other places can be a little more conservative.

#3 Never post as if you are representing your institution, such as using your work picture or logo for your profile picture. Don’t do anything that makes it seem as if you are posting on behalf of your institution. (Unless of course, you are. Being a physician spokesperson on social media is different.)

If you can’t watch the video right now, here are a few of the best practices for doctors on social media. But please, come back and watch the rest so you can get the full scoop.

Am I missing anything? If so, please pop on over to my Facebook page and leave a comment on this video. I’d love to hear from you, and I’ll be sure to update a future video if there’s anything new about social media risks for physicians.

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